pro fami­lia Offen­bach | Emer­gen­cy ser­vice for rape victims

I have been raped. 




Don’t stay on your own. Tell someone you trust. Let them assist you through the next steps. Only talk about the inci­dent as much as you feel comfortable.

Seek medi­cal care. You can call us – now or at a later date. If you want to go to the poli­ce, plea­se read this.


No mat­ter how long ago the inci­dent occur­red, some­ti­mes memo­ries of bad situa­tions reap­pear unex­pec­ted­ly. Someone else’s sto­ry, sud­den­ly see­ing cer­tain peo­p­le again, a movie sce­ne, a smell or a fee­ling can all trig­ger the memo­ry. It’s a good idea to address it.


We’re a coun­sel­ling cent­re spe­cia­li­sing in mat­ters rela­ting to rape, harass­ment and stal­king. We want our coun­sel­ling to pro­vi­de you with the space you need for all your con­cerns. You deci­de what we talk about, and how often. Topics cover­ed in a coun­sel­ling ses­si­on can include: ‘The rape was so long ago, I don’t under­stand why I sud­den­ly start thin­king about it.’ / ‘I can’t con­cen­tra­te on any­thing else, and am having bad dreams.’ / ‘I want to get the­ra­py, but don’t know who to cont­act.’ / ‘I’ve repor­ted it, and don’t know what’s going to happen.’

You can cont­act us by cal­ling 069 850 968 022. The line is not staf­fed 24/7, but you are wel­co­me to lea­ve a mes­sa­ge. The machi­ne is che­cked every working day, and we’ll call you back (always on a pri­va­te num­ber). You can also send us an anony­mous email.

You can book an appoint­ment in Eng­lish or Ger­man. We can hire an inter­pre­ter for the ses­si­on. You won’t incur any cos­ts. Plea­se advi­se us of this request when boo­king the appoint­ment, so we can call in a trai­ned interpreter.


If you want to talk to someone about the rape, choo­se some­whe­re quiet and make an arran­ge­ment before­hand about what you want from the other per­son (e.g. ‘I want you to first just lis­ten to me wit­hout expres­sing your opi­ni­on or feelings.’)

Set a time frame for tal­king about the rape and then return to a more plea­sant topic. Dis­cuss whe­ther and how you want to be cont­ac­ted by this per­son in future about this matter.

Even if the rape was a while ago, it’s a good idea to seek medi­cal care.


Doc­tors are bound by a duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty. They can­not file any reports if they hear about a rape. It’s your decis­i­on whe­ther you want to file a report or not.

Go to a gynae­co­lo­gist you trust. Tell them about your rape, in as much detail as you wish. Tell them how you feel and whe­ther you are expe­ri­en­cing any pro­blems or discomfort.

Get tes­ted for sexu­al­ly trans­mit­ted dise­a­ses, inclu­ding HIV if neces­sa­ry, and pregnan­cy. Bring your vac­ci­na­ti­on record with you to the appointment.

Visi­ting a doc­tor can also be hel­pful in the event of any poten­ti­al legal pro­cee­dings if the­re is docu­men­ta­ti­on to show you went to see them and what you told them.

If the rape was more than three days pri­or, the­re are unli­kely to be any usable traces of DNA left.

If, howe­ver, you do still have visi­ble traces of the rape on your body, or objects that may con­tain any evi­dence, plea­se cont­act us.

If you’re thin­king about fil­ing a report, keep an account of wha­te­ver you remem­ber about the event, if you can. This will be hel­pful if you want to give evi­dence later on.

Find a doc­tor you can talk to easi­ly. You can also take a con­fi­dant along to inter­pret for you.


You don’t have to report the rape straight away. Once the poli­ce or jus­ti­ce sys­tem find out about it, a preli­mi­na­ry inves­ti­ga­ti­on will be initia­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly, becau­se it is an offence requi­ring pro­se­cu­ti­on. You can then no lon­ger retract the report. The medi­cal duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty is lifted and doc­tors are requi­red to give evi­dence befo­re the court.

Take your time making this decis­i­on. You can store the evi­dence away safe­ly and then, in your own time, think about whe­ther or not you want to use this evi­dence in fil­ing a report. You can read about the pro­cess invol­ved here.

Find out what a report would sub­se­quent­ly ent­ail for you. The sta­tu­te of limi­ta­ti­ons for rape is 20 years. If you can, keep an account (in wri­ting or as a voice recor­ding) of wha­te­ver you remem­ber about the event. This will be hel­pful if you want to give evi­dence later on.

You can talk to us about whe­ther or not to file a report. We will be glad to advi­se you on this befo­re you make your decis­i­on. We will explain the con­se­quen­ces of deci­ding for or against fil­ing a report, and the poten­ti­al cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings that ensue.

If you wish to report the offence, cont­act the K12 cri­mi­nal inves­ti­ga­ti­on depart­ment in Offen­bach on 069/809 80 (main switch­board) or 069/809 841 20 (exten­si­on). You can cont­act the stand-by cri­mi­nal inves­ti­ga­ti­on ser­vice 24/7 on 06181/100 242. Book an appoint­ment and cla­ri­fy whe­ther a fema­le staff mem­ber will be available if you do not wish to speak to a man.

If you would like to file the report in your nati­ve lan­guage, plea­se ask, when cal­ling, for a per­son at the poli­ce sta­ti­on who can inter­pret for you. The poli­ce can hire an interpreter.


Even though inju­ries are often not visi­ble on the out­side, a rape is a medi­cal emer­gen­cy. Doc­tors and employees at hos­pi­tals are bound by a medi­cal duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, which means they can­not call in the poli­ce wit­hout your consent.

It is important to know that cont­ac­ting the poli­ce about a rape auto­ma­ti­cal­ly files a report. But this is some­thing only you can and should deci­de on. Your health fund gene­ral­ly does not recei­ve any infor­ma­ti­on on the rape either.

After a rape, you should seek care as soon as pos­si­ble (within three days). Do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act eit­her of the hos­pi­tals imme­dia­te­ly – even if you don’t have any visi­ble injuries

If it has just hap­pen­ed, go to hos­pi­tal imme­dia­te­ly (even at night). If the inci­dent hap­pen­ed the day pri­or, ide­al­ly come during the day. Lon­ger wai­ting times at hos­pi­tals are some­ti­mes unavo­ida­ble – but the staff will do all they can do ensu­re you don’t have to wait lon­ger than necessary.

Get someone you trust, and who can inter­pret for you if neces­sa­ry, to accom­pa­ny you.


Sana Kli­ni­kum Offenbach

Star­ken­burg­ring 66
63069 Offenbach
Emer­gen­cy Depart­ment tele­pho­ne number:
069 8405 7643

Plea­se report to the Emer­gen­cy Depart­ment on the ground flo­or. If you call befo­re hand, you may be able to redu­ce the time spent wai­ting on site.

Ket­te­ler Kran­ken­haus Offenbach

Licht­plat­ten­weg 85
63071 Offenbach
Day­ti­me tele­pho­ne num­ber: 069 850 5377
Night-time tele­pho­ne num­ber: 069 850 50

Plea­se report to the admis­si­ons desk on the ground flo­or. If you call befo­re hand, you may be able to redu­ce the time spent wai­ting on site.


At the hos­pi­tal, you will be tho­rough­ly exami­ned. You only need to pro­vi­de as much infor­ma­ti­on as is important for the exami­na­ti­on. Your health takes top prio­ri­ty. The doc­tors can test you for sexu­al­ly trans­mit­ted dise­a­ses, and exami­ne your blood and uri­ne. A pregnan­cy test will be con­duc­ted if neces­sa­ry. This exami­na­ti­on is free, and the phar­ma­cy will pro­vi­de you with the ‘mor­ning after pill’. If it is too expen­si­ve for you, pro fami­lia Offen­bach can cover the cos­ts. Just call us.

The doc­tors will arran­ge an appoint­ment with you for a fol­low-up check or will refer you to a regis­tered gynae­co­lo­gy clinic.

Doc­tors at the hos­pi­tal can save and store any foren­sic traces upon request.

The on-site doc­tors will ask you if you want foren­sic traces to be saved con­fi­den­ti­al­ly. This can ser­ve as important evi­dence if you deci­de to file a report later on. If you wish to do this, you should ide­al­ly not wash yours­elf befo­re the exami­na­ti­on, and keep your clot­hing. Alter­na­tively, you can bring the­se, along with any toi­le­tries, bed linen or other things that may con­tain foren­sic traces, with you to the examination.

You do not incur any cos­ts by opting for the foren­sic traces to be saved. The samples will be saved for a year and stored at the Insti­tu­te of Foren­sic Medi­ci­ne in Frank­furt. The samples are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly des­troy­ed after this time.


The hos­pi­tal will refer you to our coun­sel­ling ser­vices. You can cont­act us in per­son, by tele­pho­ne or via the cont­act form to book a coun­sel­ling appoint­ment. You deci­de what and how much you want to tell us. If you would pre­fer not to tell us what hap­pen­ed, that is also fine. Some­ti­mes it’s hel­pful just to talk about how you’re curr­ent­ly fee­ling and what your fears and con­cerns are. You can also think about what to do next, e.g. whe­ther you want to lodge a report, how the peo­p­le around you can sup­port you, etc.


You are entit­led to seek sup­port from a pro­fes­sio­nal coun­sell­or. Don’t try and do it on your own; make use of our ser­vice. Call us to book an appoint­ment. You are wel­co­me to bring a com­pa­n­ion along with you. A good fema­le fri­end, for exam­p­le, can help coll­ect infor­ma­ti­on and just be the­re for you.


pro fami­lia Offen­bach is an accre­di­ted coun­sel­ling cent­re that cham­pi­ons the sexu­al and repro­duc­ti­ve rights of all per­sons. One of our focus are­as is pro­vi­ding advice and coun­sel­ling in cases of sexu­al vio­lence, as well as emer­gen­cy sup­port services.

You will be able to book an appoint­ment swift­ly by cal­ling 069 850 968 022. Out­side our office hours, you can lea­ve a mes­sa­ge on our ans­we­ring machi­ne. We will call you back prompt­ly, except on weekends. The fema­le coun­sell­ors are bound by a duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and are all very experienced.

You can book an appoint­ment in Eng­lish or Ger­man. We can hire an inter­pre­ter for the ses­si­on. You won’t incur any cos­ts. Plea­se advi­se us of this request when boo­king the appoint­ment, so we can call in a trai­ned interpreter.



Our coun­sel­ling ser­vice is available to all rape vic­tims – women, men or mem­bers of the que­er com­mu­ni­ty – who are see­king help after expe­ri­en­cing sexu­al vio­lence, whe­ther this be sexu­al assault, a rape, sexu­al harass­ment or a threat.

We will advi­se and inform you, regard­less of how long ago the vio­lence occur­red, how long it las­ted (or has been going for) or whe­ther you have repor­ted it or not.

You don’t need to pro­vi­de your name, and can also remain anony­mous if you wish. The fema­le coun­sell­ors are bound by a duty of con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, and con­ver­sa­ti­ons are held in a quiet atmo­sphe­re behind clo­sed doors.

The ses­si­on is free, and fol­low-up appoint­ments can be arran­ged. You can also bring someone to accom­pa­ny you. We can arran­ge an inter­pre­ter if neces­sa­ry. Plea­se advi­se us of this request when boo­king the appoint­ment, so we can call in a trai­ned interpreter.


You can also cont­act the coun­sel­ling cent­re con­fi­den­ti­al­ly if you yours­elf have not been affec­ted by a sexu­al offence, but wish to sup­port someone.

You are wel­co­me to come along to a coun­sel­ling ses­si­on to accom­pa­ny the rape vic­tim if they request this. Having a con­fi­dant the­re often eases the victim’s anxie­ty and stress.


Any sexu­al acts or beha­viours that are NOT mutual­ly desi­red or which have not been con­sen­ted to con­sti­tu­te forms of sexu­al violence.

This may include ver­bal attacks, such as sala­cious comm­ents or lewd looks, harass­ment and assault, such as gro­ping, as well as sen­ding sexu­al con­tent or por­no­gra­phy via digi­tal media.

Rape is a par­ti­cu­lar­ly seve­re form of sexu­al assault that invol­ves sexu­al pene­tra­ti­on into the body of a per­son aged over 14 years.

Vio­lence, thre­ats or explo­ita­ti­on of a vul­nerable situa­ti­on are used to force the vic­tim to endu­re sexu­al acts them­sel­ves or per­form them on the per­pe­tra­tor or ano­ther per­son. Rape is an offence requi­ring pro­se­cu­ti­on. This means the offence must be sub­ject to cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings once repor­ted to the police.


You can cont­act us in per­son or by tele­pho­ne to book a coun­sel­ling appoint­ment. The coun­sel­ling ses­si­on can take place here at our coun­sel­ling cent­re or by video/telephone. You can choo­se the for­mat depen­ding on what you most pre­fer. You deci­de what you want to talk about.

We will dis­cuss medi­cal and health issues rela­ting to the sexu­al offence, and can help you access medi­cal care. We will pro­vi­de you with infor­ma­ti­on on (social) legal mat­ters, and will also advi­se you on your decis­i­on to file a poli­ce report or not. We addi­tio­nal­ly offer psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sup­port (one sin­gle ses­si­on or mul­ti­ple appointments).

We can arran­ge an inter­pre­ter if neces­sa­ry. Plea­se advi­se us of this request when boo­king the appoint­ment, so we can call in a trai­ned interpreter.